Drugs in Sopore: An Urgent Concern

Drugs in Sopore: An Urgent Concern

Who is responsible? Parents? Or law agencies?

Adv. Mehwish Hilal

Sopore, the famous apple town known as “Chota London,” is tragically turning into the ashes of drug abuse. Suicide rates have hit an all-time high. The drug menace is not just an individual problem; it is a societal issue that can lead to a surge in social crimes. Drugs contribute to increased criminal activity, dehumanization, and societal degradation.

Drug abuse is not merely destroying individuals but eroding society as a whole. Unfortunately, the name of drugs has become more infamous today. Ironically, the more awareness about drugs spreads among students and youngsters, the more subscribers the drug market seems to gain.Despite the efforts of hundreds of agencies, NGOs, and countless individuals working to eliminate this menace, tangible results remain elusive. Why is this the case? Let’s analyse.

Analysing the situation, it seems like an unending process. Starting with the efforts of security agencies, there have been some positive results. However, the supply of drugs continues to grow, accompanied by an increasing number of users.

Where are these drug substances grown? In India, there is limited evidence of large-scale production, but Afghanistan and Pakistan are often blamed for being major growers and producers. So, the question arises: Are we able to cut off the supply line of drugs? Are we effectively eliminating drug smuggling and infiltration?

To a large extent, the answer is a resounding “No.” This is because users are dependent on the supply, and the supply remains uninterrupted. Therefore, the first step must be to curb the supply; only then will consumption decrease.

For this, a specialized team must be recruited to monitor, investigate, and collect data on drug supply routes. This team should work under a separate, dedicated department, as the urgency demands immediate action. It is now or never, because drugs are infiltrating our homes through peddlers, leading to social crimes, murders, terrorism, and the eruption of violence in society.

In Sopore, educational institutions, healthcare facilities, and other public spaces where there is free access have turned into drug zones. Drug consumption in Sopore is alarmingly high, and this is due to various reasons.

Firstly, a major reason is the lack of parental guidance. Many parents provide funds to their children without monitoring how these funds are used. The absence of proper parental care and supervision has created a void. Parental care, though full of affection and love, needs to shift towards effective monitoring and involvement in their children’s lives.

Without forming a collective group of parents affected by this menace, any efforts to combat it will remain ineffective. A Drug Parental Group (DPG) must be established through civilian efforts or with the help of NGOs like the Kashmir Writers Association. This group can provide a platform to discuss problems, share experiences, and find solutions. Silence on the drug menace is disastrous—speak up and save your generation.

Secondly, drug cases must be reported to the police rather than hidden. Parents often assist their drug-addicted children by protecting them from legal consequences, which ultimately erodes societal values. Instead, parents should catch these cases early and hand them over to the police with a proper rehabilitation plan in mind. The police, in turn, must form a special team dedicated to tackling this menace.

Thirdly, as already mentioned, excessive awareness campaigns can sometimes backfire. Recently, in Sopore, a book titled Blame Game on drugs has drawn attention. Instead of critiquing or curbing the issue, it inadvertently proliferates drug-related content on social media, creating curiosity among the youth about drugs and their usage. The more awareness is created without careful planning, the more the number of users grows.What we need is to break this chain—through informed efforts, strict actions, and meaningful collaboration among parents, police, and society as a whole.

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