Syed Aaliya
Kashmir embraced as “Paradise on Earth” is well known for its exceptionally great beauty, a vibrant culture, and naturally soothing environment. But until recently, the area was considered not only geo politically unstable with active militancy going on for many years but also rich to the utmost degree in tourism opportunities. With the gradual decrease and curb on terrorism, the concept of ecotourism now serves as an effective way, not only to re-establish the tourism industry of Kashmir but also to advocate for peace, progress, as well as education. The tourism that has been branded as eco-tourism where the travelers take an active part in travel, learning and conservation of natural and cultural resources can act as the magic wand for building up the Kashmir of the 21st century; an international education tourism zone for mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence.
The beauty of Kashmir, an inherent playground for ecotourism Snow clad mountains, offbeat border destinations, stunning Lakes like Dal, Nigeen and Wular, lush green jungles, grassy planes, great riverine tracts of Jhelum and tranquil valleys of Srinagar are some of the breathtaking vistas that form part of eco-tourism in the valley of Kashmir. People are interested in touring this place because of the different types of species that are found here in this region. The natural endowment of the region in terms of fresh and tranquil meadows, beautiful alpine lakes and gently flowing rivers provides a befitting ambience for eco-tourism; including trekking, birds watching, nature walks and conservation. Now, the eco-tourism undertakings in Kashmir have been planned and developed under the apprehension of conserving these natural resources to offer similar experience to the visitors in a sustainable way. Symbiotic programs have included establishing camps environment friendly, propagating and conserving wildlife and wildlife reserves, and developing green areas and travel. Kashmir’s eco-tourism tries to be as responsible as possible, and promote low-impact tourism, to maintain the natural beauty of the area but also use the income generated through tourism for expansion. Tourism industry holds the power to bring the people of Kashmir together, politically and culturally since they have been separated for quite a long time. Eco-tourism on the other hand presents an opportunity to people of different cultures and ethnic groups for integrated tourism encouraging local people, especially youths, women and other vulnerable groups, of the region to embrace sustainable income-generating activities that would enhance their welfare.
Furthermore, tourism is also related with the economic growth of the area since eco-tourism development will help the country maintain steady economic growth. It could also be used as a tool to reintegrate the population into normal and stable civilian life as the region of Kashmir tries to move on from the impact of years of conflict.
Bringing an educational aspect within eco-tourism the region can be turned into an academic and research center. Due to its splendid background in culture, plethora in ecosystems and unmatched historical background, provides an excellent ground for Students Educational Tourism that is Environmental Education, Conservation and the Sustainable Development. This form of tourism is especially important in remote and maturing areas of outstanding ecological importance like the valley of Kashmir; it can impart knowledge of the environment and its sustainability. With local guides and tourists, special attention can be paid to such tourist program concepts as sustainable farming, wildlife, and climate change. For example, schools can arrange for students to visit a national park – a handful away – to learn more about the plants that can be found in the area, the animals that roam the area, and why it is so important to protect these habitats. Also, eco-tourism offers a chance for establishing international cooperation between schools and communities of tour destinations. Local governmental and non-governmental institutions could also coordinate with universities and research institutions to set up the environmental research centers in the region. These centers could invite students and researchers from around the world for workshops, internships and academic programs, which will provide a learning platform. Innovations of this nature would not only help create awareness concerning the matter of the environment but also put Kashmir on the world map as a chief center for learning ecotourism.
To achieve the sustainable form of tourism which is eco-tourism in kashmir the government and the security forces have a very special role to play. Each sector has its role in developing the conditions of peace, security, and stability that are conducive to the development of tourism concerns. As a proactive developmental model of the government for the region, eco-tourism should be also given the key importance. This involves spending on constructions of physical structures like roads, means of transport, and other physical facilities meant for accommodating tourists among other things; but all these have to be done sustainably. The government can also offer the businesses involved in ecotourism some level of subsidy and grant. By supporting renewable power sources, waste disposal methods and other conservation techniques and measures, it will be possible that extra harm to the earth will not be done as a result of tourism.
The security forces also have their part to play for security of the country’s population and tourists included. Only then can ecotourism develop in a region that has had a history of conflict. This does not equate to the implementation of military force within the region but to be part of a slow, synchronized force of support to avert the risk of visitors and to protect the citizens of the country. Government security forces and civil societies need to join hands to bring lasting peace to Kashmir to realize a fledgling industry of eco-tourism. Thus, the potential participants in the formation of the new generation eco-tourism consensus are as follows: all these stakeholders, united into a single hierarchy, can chart a sustainable course of action that shifts the focus on economic development along with protection of the environment and sustainable peacebuilding.
Ecotourism is a golden chance through which a region changes, from a region that is only victims of conflict to a region that is an icon of tourism because of its peaceful images and commitment to sustainable development. By identifying with the eco-tourism concept, Kashmir can effectively maximize its natural and cultural endowment for economic benefit, education and to preserve the environment. Most importantly, it can act as an intermediate link to help different communities develop respect and understanding for each other and make them live side by side in harmony. This vision requires the effort of the government, security forces as well as other citizens in the society. Therefore more encouragement should be given to eco-tourism projects, more education be spread, and safety and stability must be had, which with time may turn the region of Kashmir into a model as to how it is possible with the help of tourism to develop the country and bring peace to the area.