Constitution Day Celebrated Across Kashmir

Constitution Day Celebrated Across Kashmir

The Constitution is our pride, and let’s take a pledge to be faithful and truthful in applying it in our lives, in both letter and spirit. Witnessing the huge celebration of Constitution Day in Jammu and Kashmir is a great source of pride.

Adv. Mehwish Hilal

Yes, it is new in Kashmir, the celebration of Constitution Day, which has been observed across the region. It is an important day to celebrate because the Constitution is the book of our nation. If it is applied completely, our country can become corruption-free, drug-free, and every citizen can become more responsible towards their home, village, town, tehsil, district, and state. This, in turn, will have an impact at the national and international levels.

It will transform our nation into a developed and progressive one, as the Constitution provides remedies and a way of life that, if applied by every citizen, will ensure equality, justice, and progress for all. In Kashmir, people were previously taught a different narrative, which created a significant dilemma for them. However, one of the realities now coming to light for the people of Jammu and Kashmir is clarifying many things and fostering a mindset geared toward development and progress.

Constitution Day was established first by Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi in 2015 by tribute to the 125th birth anniversary of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. This was towards giving recognition to the role the Constitution played in unifying the disparate weaving of the nation and paying tribute to Dr. Ambedkar for his contribution as its chief architect. The movement had two objectives. One was to spread knowledge about the Constitution among the citizens, and the other was to make people realize the democratic values contained in it.

The government wanted to install a sense of civic responsibility and pride in citizens by dedicating a day to the Constitution. This calls for a celebration that must bring into focus the realization that, besides guaranteeing rights, the Constitution imposes duties on every citizen. The responsibility with the rights is a fine line and it is the cornerstone of a functional democracy. It was a journey of vision and courage which contributed to the emergence of a new Constitution.

The task of the Constituent Assembly was to construct such a political structure for India which was completely different after it became independent in 1947. The Assembly members who were lawyers, politicians and social workers argued and discussed to produce a document which embodied justice, liberty, equality and fraternity. The Constitution has been modified with numerous global systems but remains to be based in India’s socio-cultural framework. It has since guided the country through its triumphs and challenges.

The most outstanding feature is the adaptability of the Indian Constitution. It has evolved over the decades, amended, and judicially interpreted to respond to changing needs in society. Judgments like Keshavananda Bharati, which have only strengthened the “basic structure doctrine,” have further added to its foundational values in order to make the document dynamic yet firmly rooted in its original ethos. Such adaptations reflect the importance of the Constitution in resolving the current issues that include digital privacy, environmental issues, and social equity.

Constitution Day is not just a commemoration of the past but an engagement with the present and planning for the future as well. Educationally, this day has been celebrated in every nook and corner of India. Schools, universities, and civic organizations sponsor debates, discussions, that help citizens, especially young minds, preserve democratic values. Public readings of the Preamble remind people of their collective commitment to justice and equality.

Celebrations of 2024 hold great importance because they are founded on inclusiveness and sustainability to protect democratic rights. It throws light on the continuation of the relevance of the Constitution in guiding India as a contemporary nation. Discussion about some pressing issues and respect towards old values make Constitution Day complete the gap between India’s past and its future. Celebration of Constitution Day has lots of benefits for the nation. It promotes active citizenry in democratic exercises and unifies the nation by showing this commonality of India’s pluralistic communities.

It is most importantly a call for accountability from citizens and leaders alike, thus instilling respect for the rule of law. The individuality of every citizen is important in making Constitutional Day special throughout the Nation by awareness regarding the societal changes. The ideology behind the Constitution reminds the citizens of India to empathize towards theprinciples of justice, liberty, and equality. It promotes reflection about the shortcomings that require the nation’s attention and inspires cooperative efforts to create a more just and open society.

It is the massage to all Kashmiris, that It teaches the people their rights, their responsibilities, and the role of working together as a people to defend the values of the nation’s Constitution. While we respect the dreams of the framers, we must also take this occasion to think about our contributions towards the security and strengthening of the Indian democracy. For Indians, Constitution is not just a piece of paper but embodies the determination, togetherness, and the varied cultures of the nation. As the nation celebrates Constitution Day 2024, it marks the democratic ideals that have guided it thus far for 75 years, which is not merely marking an event in history but celebrating India’s commitment to being a nation that upholds it’scitizens’ rights to equity, liberty, and justice.

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